Thursday, May 17, 2007

Age of Castles !

IntroductionWelcome to Age of Castles! Start a brand new castle outside of the town and follow one simple rule…grow! Keep growing more and more people until finally you rule the entire land!
Winning the game is simple: Convert as many people as you can! 1 billion people conquers the realm!
King TypesThere are 5 different kings you can pick from. Each type has a different special skill that will help your game so choose carefully!
The DwarfThe Dwarf finds more gold each day!
The PrinceThe Prince converts more people each day!
The WizardThe Wizard finds more magic each day!
The KnightThe Knight makes your castle stronger each day!
The WarriorThe Warrior finds more battles!
Law of the LandEach day you give jobs to the people in your kingdom. Click on the arrow buttons to adjust how many people you want for each job. There are 4 different jobs your people can have:
MerchantsThe more merchants we have, the more gold we make each day.
ClericsThe more clerics we have, the faster our people will be converted.
BuildersThe more workers we have, the faster our castle will grow
SoldiersThe more soldiers we have, the better our attack and defense will be.
Preset ButtonsTo help you assign your people jobs, use the 4 preset buttons! Click any 1 of the people portraits to set that job as the day’s priority.
Map of the RealmYou start your colony in the Human Town. With every level you go up, you can move your castle to the next location. Moving your castle to a new location will cost you mana and a little bit of gold.
Each location in the realm is unique, giving you different challenges and rewards. Explore and discover what places are best for you!
THE ARENAThe arena draws audiences from around the land who love to watch a good battle of steel on steel!
THE ELVEN FORESTThe forest is the home of the elves, both good and evil, and other magical creatures.
THE TOWNThe town is where you start your army. Recruit more men and grow in numbers!
THE RUINSThese ruins were once a powerful kingdom, destroyed by dark forces long ago. Now they are infested with goblins and other dark creatures.
ICE WASTELAND The icy wasteland is home to wild barbarian tribes.
SKY CASTLEThe sky castle is a kingdom set high in the mountains above the clouds. Speak with the sky castle queen and learn magical secrets here.
THE TEMPLEThe temple is a holy ground where clerics gather to hone their magical powers. Come here to rest your army and gain some blessings from the clerics.
THE UNDERWORLD CEMETERYThe cemetery is filled with the graves of fallen warriors. Arcane rituals are bringing them back to life, forming an army of undead.
SKULL ISLANDThe island is home to pirate raiders and many magical creatures.

THE BLUE CASTLEThe Blue Castle is a stronghold still controlled by good humans. Come here to recruit more men and gather more supplies.
DESERT OASISThe desert oasis is the gathering spot for nomads and caravans in the vast sand dunes of the south.
THE TOWERThe tower is filled with orcs, who are bred and ruled by evil wizards!
THE SWAMP The foul swamps of the west are filled with poisonous gas and lizard men tribes.
DWARVEN MINESThe tunnels of the dwarven mines are carved into the mountain walls. Dwarves dig deep in search of mythral, a magic metal.
THE UNDERWORLD VOLCANOThe final destination! The volcano is a raging inferno, and home to the evil dragons, rulers of the underworld.
THE RIVER STYXThe River Styx is filled with lost souls and watched over by Charon, the demon boatman.
THE PORTALThe portal is a secret magical gateway that allows you to travel to the underworld.
Ye Olde Magik ShoppeGo to the Ye Olde Magik Shoppe to buy magic items! With every level you go up, new items will become available. Purchasing items at the Shoppe will cost you mana so spend wisely! There are dozens of magic items you can buy!
Tales of the QuestGo to the Tales of the Quest Screen to get the low-down on your kingdom! You can see how many daily bonuses you receive and also check out your colony’s battle record. Click on the arrow buttons to see all of the different enemies you’ve encountered!
EventsEveryday your kingdom can have up to 4 events. Good events are things like finding gold or maybe even some mana! Bad Events are things like "Your treasury is robbed by thieves!" or "Your magicians accidentally turn some men into pigs.". Battle Events happen when you encounter an enemy like Dragons, and Tip events happen when The Wise Wizard gives you some gameplay wisdom!
Different events can happen depending on your location, size of your castle and much more! You’ll have to play a whole lot to see all of the events!
EnemiesThe Realm is filled with all sorts of goblins, orcs, demons and dragons who don’t like you. Be on the lookout for these bad guys. As your castle grows, you’ll battle bigger and stronger enemies. Different enemies live in different locations of the Realm, so explore around the map to find them all!
BattleWhen you encounter an enemy you go to the Battle Screen. There you will be able to see your enemy’s fighting stats and then you decide whether to attack or retreat. When you defeat an enemy you will get a victory reward. If you retreat you will lose a few people, but live to fight another day!
LevelsThere are 18 levels in the game. With each level you go up, you get rewards like mana, gold, and other bonuses!
Gameplay Tips & StrategiesYou can only hold as much gold as your castle size. Any extra gold you find will not fit in your treasury. If you want to hold more gold, make your castle bigger!
You need 1 people to maintain 2 castle. If you want a bigger castle, you need to convert more people.
If you find yourself fighting some tough enemies, give yourself more soldier and boost your attack and defense!
Making your castle bigger will increase your battle defense.
Items at Ye Olde Magik Shoppe can really help your kingdom get to the next level. Check out all of the items for sale and save mana for those expensive items you really want!
Winning the GameWhen you reach 1 billion people you win the game!
System RequirementsPentinum 30032MB RAM 8MB Video Card

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